Educational inheritance and the distribution of occupations: Evidence from South Africa

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Show simple item record Keswell, Malcolm Girdwood, Sarah Leibbrandt, Murray 2014-06-25T10:24:16Z 2014-06-25T10:24:16Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Keswell, M., Girdwood, S. & Leibbrandt, M. (2013). Educational inheritance and the distribution of occupations: Evidence from South Africa, Review of Income and Wealth, Series 59:S111-S137, October. en_US
dc.description.abstract We analyze the role of educational opportunity in shaping inequality in the distribution of occupations in the long run. We use the timing of political events in the history of the struggle to end Apartheid to devise an identification strategy that permits a causal interpretation of the role of educational opportunity. We find evidence that educational opportunity has a strong conditioning effect on the distribution of occupations in steady state. In particular, African female children who inherit the same level of educational opportunity as their parents are 6 percentage points more likely to be in the bottom of the occupation distribution than if they were exposed to better educational opportunities. An alternative identification strategy based on matching on the probability of educational persistence suggests that this figure is approximately 10 percent for younger cohorts of African female children. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Review of Income and Wealth en_US
dc.subject Dynastic inequality en_US
dc.subject Intergenerational mobility en_US
dc.subject Occupation en_US
dc.subject Education en_US
dc.subject Apartheid en_US
dc.title Educational inheritance and the distribution of occupations: Evidence from South Africa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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