Browsing 2010 - 2019 by Subject "Post-secondary education"

SALDRU Repository

Browsing 2010 - 2019 by Subject "Post-secondary education"

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  • Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Branson, Nicola; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2013-10)
    This paper analyzes the impact of high school household income and scholastic ability on post-secondary enrollment in South Africa. Using longitudinal data from the Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS), we analyze the large racial ...
  • Branson, Nicola; Garlick, Julia; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2012)
    Following the international literature, income inequality decompositions on data from contemporary South Africa show that the labour market is the key driver of overall household inequality. In order to understand one of ...
  • Pellicer, Miquel; Ranchhod, Vimal (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2012)
    We consider the interaction between human capital accumulation and inequality in South Africa. We start by discussing three alternative theoretical frameworks that relate inequality and investment decisions in post-secondary ...
  • Smith, Leonard; Ranchhod, Vimal (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2010-08)
    This paper analyses the impact of educational interventions made in the first- and second-year microeconomics courses on academic development students final mark in the second-year course. It also addresses issues of ...

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