Browsing by Subject "Race"

SALDRU Repository

Browsing by Subject "Race"

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  • Yagman, Ece; Keswell, Malcolm (2015-10)
    We investigate discrimination according to accent and race on trust behaviour. Proposers were randomly paired with responders of the same/different race, and asked to play the trust game after looking at a photograph and ...
  • Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Ranchhod, Vimal (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-06)
    This paper analyses labour market behaviour of the elderly in South Africa, focusing on the Black/African population group. The analysis uses data from the 2001 census and 1996 census, the Labour Force Surveys for September ...
  • Burns, Justine (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-10)
    I examine the impact of racial identity on behavior in trust games played by White, Black and Colored high school students in South Africa. There is a systematic pattern of distrust towards Black partners, even by Black ...

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