Browsing by Subject "KwaZulu-Natal"

SALDRU Repository

Browsing by Subject "KwaZulu-Natal"

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  • Case, Anne; Menendez, Alicia; Ardington, Cally (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-05)
    We examine patterns of health seeking behaviour prior to death among 1282 individuals who lived in the Umkhanyakude District of Northern KwaZulu- Natal. Information on the health care choices of these individuals, who ...
  • Case, Anne; Ardington, Cally (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-12)
    We analyse longitudinal data from a demographic surveillance area (DSA) in KwaZulu-Natal, to examine the impact of parental death on children's outcomes. We find significant differences in the impact of mothers' and fathers' ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2009-11)
    This paper makes use of the Cape Area Panel study (CAPS), a longitudinal study of youth and their families in metropolitan Cape Town in order to broaden the empirical body of evidence of the causal impact of parental death ...
  • Ardington, Cally; Barnighausen, Till; Case, Anne; Menendez, Alicia (2013-06)
    An Apartheid-driven spatial mismatch between workers and jobs leads to high job search costs for people living in rural areas of South Africa—costs that many young people cannot pay. In this paper, we examine whether the ...

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